Friday, November 7, 2008



Today is my wasted day! I spent this whole day doing nothing! Just sleep,sleep and sleep..
I was planning to go to library this morning, but my sleeping power bit my library's intention..haha
In addition, I planned as well to go to the hotel, however, the power of sleeping won again! haha I really had no idea why today was so damn fuckin tired..

I woke up at 1, usual action : check e-mail, reply any comments if there is, cook noodle for my lunch (I had my breakfast in my dream..haha)
and it was around 3.30, I fell asleep again, once i opened my eyes, it was already 8.30

At 11.00 pm, I went to Pyramid to watch 007. It was okay, I love the action but I don't really like the story cause I don't understand partly.

Anyway,, let's forget about TIS, whenever I do some exciting thing, TIS always comes into my mind and it breaks my mood..
So, let's forget it for a while and have fun!



Yohanna Wijaya said...

untung lu tulis di blog ttg 007,,
gw ga jadi nonton ahh
hahaha =]

Gud luck for your TIS!
intinya = buat TIS lu coy!

B o B o B z said...

huahua anjrit..cepet banget lo baca blog gw...

Yohanna Wijaya said...

ya iyalah
haha =]

soalnya gw ga tau mau ngapain
eh iseng2 buka..
eh ada yang post baru
haha =]